How do you Use Yoga Blocks: A Beginner’s Guide

Sophia Martinez

Written by Sophia Martinez

A culinary arts graduate from Le Cordon Bleu, Sophia has spent years in professional kitchens and has a keen eye for efficient, high-quality kitchen tools. She's also a home organization enthusiast and believes in the magic of a well-organized home. Expertise: Culinary tools, modern kitchen gadgets, home organization, and sustainable living.

Yoga blocks are one of the most versatile props used in yoga practice. They can help beginners to achieve proper alignment, prevent injuries, and deepen stretches. Advanced practitioners can use them to challenge their balance, strength, and flexibility. In this article, we will explore the many ways you can use yoga blocks to enhance your practice.

Whether you’re new to yoga or have been practicing for years, it’s important to understand how to use yoga blocks correctly. In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of choosing the right blocks, how to use them for different poses, and some creative ways to incorporate them into your practice. We’ll also provide tips on how to modify poses with blocks to make them more accessible or challenging, depending on your level of experience.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how to use yoga blocks to improve your practice and get the most out of your yoga journey. So grab your blocks and let’s get started!

Understanding Yoga Blocks

Yoga blocks are an essential tool for yogis of all levels. They come in a variety of materials, including foam, cork, and wood. The material you choose will depend on your personal preference and needs. Foam blocks are lightweight and easy to grip, while cork blocks are durable and provide a firmer grip. Wooden blocks are the heaviest and provide the most stability.

Yoga blocks are used to help improve alignment, increase flexibility, and deepen stretches. They can also be used to modify poses for those who may have limited mobility or flexibility. For example, if you are unable to touch the ground in a forward fold, you can use a block to bring the ground closer to you.

When using yoga blocks, it is important to choose the right size for your body. Most blocks come in standard sizes of 4 inches by 6 inches by 9 inches. However, some brands offer larger or smaller blocks. A general rule of thumb is to choose a block that is the same height as your wrist when you are standing with your arms extended overhead.

woman balancing her body on olive-green mat

Yoga blocks can be used in a variety of ways. Some common uses include:

  • Providing support in balancing poses such as tree pose or half moon pose.
  • Helping to deepen stretches in poses such as pigeon pose or seated forward fold.
  • Modifying poses for those with limited mobility or flexibility.
  • Building strength in poses such as plank or chaturanga.

Overall, yoga blocks are a versatile tool that can help improve your yoga practice. By understanding the different materials and sizes available, you can choose the right block for your needs and use it to enhance your practice.

Choosing the Right Yoga Block

When it comes to choosing the right yoga block, there are a few factors to consider. The type of yoga block, the size, and the material are all important considerations.

Type of Yoga Block

There are two main types of yoga blocks: foam blocks and cork blocks. Foam blocks are lightweight and provide more cushioning, making them ideal for beginners or those with sensitive joints. Cork blocks, on the other hand, are heavier and more stable, making them better for more advanced practitioners who need more support in their practice.

Size of Yoga Block

The size of your yoga block will depend on your own body size and the types of poses you will be doing. Most yoga blocks come in three sizes: high, medium, and low. High blocks are typically 9 inches by 6 inches by 4 inches, medium blocks are 8 inches by 6 inches by 3 inches, and low blocks are 8 inches by 4 inches by 2 inches. If you are taller or have a larger frame, you may want to opt for a high block. If you are smaller or have a more petite frame, a low block may be a better option.

Material of Yoga Block

The material of your yoga block can also make a difference in your practice. Foam blocks are typically made from lightweight and durable foam, while cork blocks are made from natural cork. Some yoga blocks are also made from recycled materials, which can be a more eco-friendly option. Ultimately, the material you choose will depend on your personal preferences and needs.

In summary, choosing the right yoga block is an important part of your practice. Consider the type of block, size, and material to ensure that you have the right support for your practice. Whether you opt for a foam block or a cork block, the right yoga block can help you deepen your practice and achieve your goals.

a yoga mat with two blocks on top of it

Fundamentals of Using Yoga Blocks

Yoga blocks are one of the most versatile props used in yoga practice, and they can help us achieve proper alignment, support, and stability in our poses. Here are some fundamental tips on how to use yoga blocks effectively:

Choosing the Right Block

There are different types of yoga blocks available, such as foam, cork, wood, and bamboo. When choosing a block, consider your personal preference, level of experience, and the type of practice you will be doing. Foam blocks are lightweight and provide a soft surface, while cork blocks are sturdier and provide more stability. Bamboo blocks are eco-friendly and provide a natural feel, while wood blocks are durable and provide a solid base.

Proper Placement

When using yoga blocks, proper placement is essential for achieving correct alignment. The blocks can be placed under the hands, feet, hips, or any other part of the body that needs support. For example, in a standing forward fold, the blocks can be placed under the hands to bring the floor closer to us, allowing us to maintain proper alignment in the spine. In a seated forward fold, the blocks can be placed under the hips to elevate the pelvis and create more space in the hamstrings.

Support and Stability

Yoga blocks can provide support and stability in our poses, especially for beginners or those with injuries. For example, in a half moon pose, the block can be placed under the bottom hand to provide support and prevent the body from collapsing. In a side plank pose, the block can be placed between the thighs to provide stability and prevent the hips from sagging.

Proper Alignment

Proper alignment is essential in yoga practice, and yoga blocks can help us achieve it. They can be used to correct misalignments and improve our posture. For example, in a triangle pose, the block can be placed under the bottom hand to maintain proper alignment in the spine and prevent rounding.

In summary, yoga blocks are a valuable prop that can enhance our practice and provide support, stability, and proper alignment. By choosing the right block, placing it properly, and using it for support and stability, we can deepen our practice and achieve better results.

Yoga Blocks Alternatives

We also appreciate the substantial presence of large yoga cushions. Just as the blocks help us achieve perfect alignment, these cushions provide the support and comfort we sometimes need during meditation or restorative postures. Our journey towards inner peace and physical flexibility is enhanced when we have the right tools at our side. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, incorporating both yoga blocks and large meditation cushions into your practice can take your experience to new heights.

a woman standing on a yoga mat in front of a window

Yoga Blocks for Beginners

If you’re new to yoga, using blocks can be a great way to support your practice and help you achieve proper alignment in your postures. Here are some tips for using yoga blocks as a beginner:

Getting Started

When you’re just starting out, it’s best to begin with two blocks. This will give you more stability and support as you explore different postures. As you become more comfortable, you may find that you only need one block, or even none at all.

Using Blocks in Postures

Blocks can be used in a variety of postures to help you achieve proper alignment and deepen your stretches. Here are some examples:

  • In Downward Facing Dog, place a block under each hand to help lengthen your spine and release tension in your neck and shoulders.
  • In Triangle Pose, place a block on the floor next to your front foot and rest your hand on it to help keep your chest open and your spine straight.
  • In Bridge Pose, place a block under your sacrum to help support your lower back and hips.
  • In Pigeon Pose, place a block under your hip to help release tension in your glutes and hips.

Choosing the Right Blocks

When choosing blocks, it’s important to consider your own needs and preferences. Foam blocks are generally softer and more comfortable to use, while cork blocks are more durable and provide more support. It’s also important to choose blocks that are the right size for you – larger blocks may be more comfortable for beginners, while smaller blocks may be better for more advanced practitioners.

Overall, using yoga blocks can be a great way to support your practice and deepen your stretches. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different postures and block placements to find what works best for you.

Yoga Blocks for Balance and Stability

Yoga blocks can be incredibly helpful for improving balance and stability in your yoga practice. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, adding blocks to your practice can help you build strength and improve body awareness.

One of the most common ways to use yoga blocks for balance is in standing poses, such as Warrior III or Half Moon. By placing a block under your hand or foot, you can create a stable foundation and prevent wobbling. This can help you focus on your alignment and build strength in your legs and core.

Another way to use yoga blocks for balance is in seated poses, such as Boat Pose or Dandasana. By placing a block between your thighs, you can engage your inner thighs and core muscles, which can help you maintain stability and prevent your legs from splaying out to the sides.

In addition to improving balance, yoga blocks can also be helpful for building strength. By using blocks in poses such as Plank or Side Plank, you can increase the challenge and work your muscles in new ways. For example, you can place a block under your hand or foot to increase the distance between your limbs, which can make the pose more challenging and help you build strength in your arms, shoulders, and core.

Overall, yoga blocks are a versatile tool that can help you improve your yoga practice in a variety of ways. Whether you’re looking to improve your balance, build strength, or simply make your practice more comfortable, incorporating blocks into your routine can be a great way to achieve your goals.

Yoga Blocks for Flexibility and Range of Motion

Yoga blocks are versatile props that can be used to enhance your yoga practice. They can help you achieve better alignment, balance, and stability in various poses. In addition, they can also help you increase your flexibility and range of motion. Here are some ways to use yoga blocks for flexibility and range of motion:

Lengthening the Spine

One way to use yoga blocks for flexibility is to lengthen the spine. This can be done in poses such as Forward Fold, Downward-Facing Dog, and Triangle Pose. By placing a block under your hands or feet, you can create more space in your spine and deepen the stretch. This can help relieve tension in your back and improve your posture.

Deepening Hip Stretches

Another way to use yoga blocks for flexibility is to deepen hip stretches. This can be done in poses such as Pigeon Pose, Butterfly Pose, and Bound Angle Pose. By placing a block under your hips or thighs, you can create more space in your hips and increase your range of motion. This can help relieve tightness in your hips and improve your overall flexibility.

Increasing Range of Motion in the Shoulders

Yoga blocks can also be used to increase range of motion in the shoulders. This can be done in poses such as Downward-Facing Dog, Dolphin Pose, and Shoulder Stand. By placing a block under your hands or forearms, you can create more space in your shoulders and deepen the stretch. This can help relieve tension in your neck and shoulders and improve your posture.

Supporting the Body in Restorative Poses

Finally, yoga blocks can be used to support the body in restorative poses. This can be done in poses such as Supported Bridge Pose, Supported Fish Pose, and Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose. By placing a block under your hips or back, you can create more support and relaxation in your body. This can help relieve stress and tension and improve your overall well-being.

In conclusion, yoga blocks are a valuable tool for enhancing your yoga practice. They can help you achieve better alignment, balance, and stability in various poses, as well as increase your flexibility and range of motion. By incorporating yoga blocks into your practice, you can take your yoga to the next level and experience the many benefits of this ancient practice.

Yoga Blocks for Strength and Engagement

Yoga blocks are not only great for providing support and making poses more accessible, but they can also be used to add a challenge to your practice and develop strength. In this section, we will explore some ways to use yoga blocks for strength and engagement.

Upper Body Strength

One of the best ways to use yoga blocks for upper body strength is by incorporating them into your plank pose. Place one block on the highest level and the other block on the medium level, shoulder-width apart. Then, place your hands on the blocks and come into a plank pose. This will increase the intensity of the pose and challenge your upper body strength.

Strengthening Legs

Another great way to use yoga blocks for strength is by incorporating them into your standing poses. For example, in Warrior II, you can place a block between your thighs and squeeze it to engage your leg muscles and strengthen them. You can also place a block under your front foot to increase the intensity of the pose and challenge your leg muscles.

Engaging Core

Yoga blocks can also be used to engage your core muscles. One way to do this is by incorporating them into your boat pose. Sit on the mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a block between your hands and extend your legs out in front of you. Lift your feet off the floor and balance on your sit bones. Then, lower your back towards the floor and lift back up. This will engage your core muscles and strengthen them.

Overall Body Engagement

Finally, yoga blocks can be used to engage your entire body. One way to do this is by incorporating them into your downward dog pose. Place two blocks shoulder-width apart and come into a downward dog pose with your hands on the blocks. This will engage your arms, shoulders, core, and legs, providing a full-body workout.

Incorporating yoga blocks into your practice can help you develop strength and engage your muscles in new ways. Try these exercises and see how they can benefit your practice.

Yoga Blocks for Support and Comfort

Yoga blocks are one of the most versatile props in yoga practice. They can be used in a variety of ways to provide support, stability, and comfort during your practice. In this section, we will discuss how to use yoga blocks to support various parts of the body.

Supporting the Arms and Wrists

If you find yourself struggling to hold your weight in poses like downward-facing dog or plank, a yoga block can provide support for your arms and wrists. Place the block under your hands to elevate them and reduce the strain on your wrists. This can also help you to maintain proper alignment in your shoulders and upper back.

Supporting the Back and Hips

If you have tightness or discomfort in your back or hips, a yoga block can be used to support you in various poses. For example, in supported bridge pose, place a block under your sacrum to lift your hips and create a gentle stretch in your lower back. In seated forward folds, place a block under your sit bones to elevate your hips and reduce the strain on your lower back.

Supporting the Head and Chest

If you have tightness or discomfort in your neck or chest, a yoga block can provide support for your head and chest in various poses. For example, in supported fish pose, place a block under your upper back to lift your chest and create a gentle stretch in your chest and shoulders. In supported child’s pose, place a block under your forehead to support your head and neck.

Overall, yoga blocks are an excellent tool for providing support and comfort during your yoga practice. By using them in various ways, you can modify poses to suit your individual needs and abilities. We encourage you to experiment with yoga blocks to find what works best for you.

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Specific Yoga Poses Using Blocks

Yoga blocks can be used to modify and deepen various yoga poses. Here are some specific yoga poses where blocks can be used effectively:

  • Camel Pose: Placing a block between the heels can help keep the feet hip-distance apart and prevent them from rolling outwards.
  • Bridge Pose: Placing a block under the sacrum can help support the lower back and make the pose more accessible.
  • Triangle Pose: Placing a block on the ground next to the front foot can help bring the ground closer to the hand and make it easier to reach the floor.
  • Downward Facing Dog: Placing a block under the hands can help alleviate wrist pain and provide more support for the upper body.
  • Fish Pose: Placing a block under the upper back can help open up the chest and shoulders.
  • Warrior II: Placing a block between the thighs can help engage the inner thighs and provide more stability in the pose.
  • Extended Side Angle: Placing a block on the ground next to the front foot can help bring the ground closer to the hand and make it easier to reach the floor.
  • Low Lunge: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and stability in the pose.
  • Child’s Pose: Placing a block under the forehead can help provide more support and make the pose more comfortable.
  • Crow Pose: Placing a block under the feet can help provide more support and make it easier to lift the feet off the ground.
  • Mountain Pose: Placing a block between the thighs can help engage the inner thighs and provide more stability in the pose.
  • Forward Fold: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Pigeon Pose: Placing a block under the hip of the front leg can help provide more support and make the pose more comfortable.
  • Chaturanga Dandasana: Placing a block under the chest can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Hero Pose: Placing a block between the feet can help engage the inner thighs and provide more stability in the pose.
  • Front Split: Placing a block under the front thigh can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Half Moon: Placing a block under the bottom hand can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Standing Forward Fold: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Virasana: Placing a block between the feet can help engage the inner thighs and provide more stability in the pose.
  • Ustrasana: Placing a block between the thighs can help engage the inner thighs and provide more stability in the pose.
  • Warrior III: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Standing Split: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Lizard Pose: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Standing Forward Bend: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Pyramid Pose: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Upward Facing Dog: Placing a block under the hands can help alleviate wrist pain and provide more support for the upper body.
  • Puppy Pose: Placing a block under the forehead can help provide more support and make the pose more comfortable.
  • Supported Fish Pose: Placing a block under the upper back can help open up the chest and shoulders.
  • Half Split: Placing a block under the front thigh can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Seated Forward Fold: Placing a block under the hands can help provide more support and make the pose more accessible.
  • Bow Pose: Placing a block between the thighs can help engage the inner thighs and provide more stability in the pose.
  • Handstand: Placing a block under the feet can help provide more support and make it easier to lift the feet off the ground.

Proper Alignment with Yoga Blocks

When practicing yoga, proper alignment is essential to prevent injury and maximize the benefits of each pose. Yoga blocks can be a helpful tool to achieve correct alignment, especially for beginners or those with limited flexibility.

Using yoga blocks can help us maintain proper alignment by providing support and stability. For example, in a standing forward bend, placing a block under each hand can help us keep our spine straight and prevent rounding. This ensures that we are stretching the hamstrings and not just collapsing forward.

Another example is in triangle pose, where placing a block under the bottom hand can help us maintain proper alignment of the spine and prevent collapsing forward. This also allows us to fully extend the top arm towards the ceiling, creating a deeper stretch in the side body.

In addition to providing support, yoga blocks can also help us deepen our poses. For example, in pigeon pose, placing a block under the hip of the front leg can help us sink deeper into the pose and release tension in the hips.

Overall, using yoga blocks can help us achieve proper alignment in our yoga practice, prevent injury, and deepen our stretches. It is important to choose the right type of block for our needs and to use them mindfully, always listening to our bodies and adjusting as necessary.

Exercises and Stretches with Yoga Blocks

Yoga blocks are a versatile tool that can be used to enhance your yoga practice. Here are some exercises and stretches that we recommend incorporating into your routine:

Hamstring Stretch

To perform a hamstring stretch with a yoga block, sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Place the block on the ground in front of you and rest your heels on top of it. Slowly bend forward at the hips, reaching your hands towards your toes. Use the block as a support to deepen the stretch in your hamstrings.

Tricep Stretch

To perform a tricep stretch with a yoga block, hold the block in one hand and reach it behind your head. Use your other hand to gently push the block towards your spine, feeling the stretch in your tricep muscles. Repeat on the other side.

Hip Flexor Stretch

To perform a hip flexor stretch with a yoga block, start in a lunge position with one foot in front of the other. Place the block on the ground in front of you and rest your hands on top of it. Slowly lean forward, feeling the stretch in your hip flexor muscles. Repeat on the other side.

Tabletop Pose

To perform tabletop pose with a yoga block, start on your hands and knees with the block placed between your hands. Push down on the block as you lift your hips towards the ceiling, feeling the stretch in your shoulders and upper back.

We hope these exercises and stretches with yoga blocks will help you deepen your practice and improve your flexibility. Remember to always listen to your body and never push yourself beyond your limits.

woman performing yoga during daytime


Yoga blocks are an incredibly versatile and useful tool for yogis of all levels. They can help you achieve proper alignment, deepen your stretches, and provide support for poses that might otherwise be too challenging.

When using yoga blocks, it’s important to choose the right ones for your body and your practice. Consider factors like size, material, and density when making your selection. It’s also important to use your blocks mindfully and with intention, rather than relying on them as a crutch.

Throughout this article, we’ve explored some of the many ways that yoga blocks can enhance your practice. From providing support in seated poses to helping you balance in standing poses, there are endless possibilities for incorporating blocks into your routine.

Remember that the most important thing is to listen to your body and honor your own limitations. If a pose doesn’t feel right, don’t force it. Instead, use your blocks to modify the pose and make it more accessible. With practice and patience, you’ll find that yoga blocks can help you take your practice to the next level.

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